Esther Ratcliff

I have taught a wide age range of learners in Spain, Portugal and Japan. I currently work at Asia University, Tokyo. I hold BA in English and Spanish, DELTA and an MSc Development Management from the Open University.


I am a Genius!

Interactive Poster Session
Sun, Jun 21, 12:45-13:20 JST

How can teachers engage their students in meaningful learning, spark intrinsic motivation and allow their students to direct their own learning? Once used at Google, 'Genius Hour' was used as a way to engage employees and boost productivity. It has now grown into an educational tool and is used by educators and learners around the world. Based on inquiry-led learning, 'Genius Hour' also known as '20% time', gives students autonomy over their own learning whilst also creating a reason to learn. Students choose a topic they are passionate about, decide how to explore it and what questions they want to answer themselves. It is completely student-driven, personalised, not teacher-led, involves no textbook and inclusive because every learner can participate. Time is dedicated to 'Genius Hour' in which learners have a chance to further their chosen area of research. It is also a valuable chance for teachers to learn about their students' passions. If you are interested in finding out more, come to this Interactive Poster Session and find out how this can be applied to your classroom. It will be of interest to all teachers, particularly Young Learner teachers.