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Redefining accessibility in language learning #170

Sat, Jun 20, 12:45-13:20 JST | YouTube
You must log in to view sessions Teachers Helping Teachers Interactive Poster Session

Teachers are having to consider an increasing range of learner needs as learning environments become more diverse. Learners with special needs are one example. According to JASSO (2019), the percentage of students with disabilities in post-secondary education has increased from 0.44% to 1.05% since 2014. However, only 28% of university language classes offer support for students with disabilities (Tonooka, 2015). The Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities requires teachers to provide reasonable accommodation for learners with special needs. This change reflects shifting of the notion of disability from impairment to inaccessibility to learning resources. It is essential that language teachers consider how they can redefine the notion of accessibility in language learning in order to improve overall learning experiences. This poster session highlights various learner needs that are prevalent in language classes. These include communicative, physiological, psychological, social, and cognitive differences. Presenters will share their insights into developing accessible learning. There is no “one-size-fits-all” pedagogy for language learning. The goal of this session is to facilitate discussions on raising awareness, improving accessibility, and considering how teachers can best support learners with special needs. Participants are welcome to share their classroom stories concerning accessibility in language learning.

Ryota Moriya

Ryota Moriya

Otaru University of Commerce
I currently teach English at Otaru University of Commerce. My background is in Disability Studies and Comparative Culture Studies. My research interests include color-blindness, disability studies, accessibility in language learning, and Foucauldian Genealogical Discourse Analysis.
Andrew Reimann

Andrew Reimann

Aoyama Gakuin University
I am from Vancouver, Canada and currently teach Communication at Aoyama Gakuin University. My background and research interests are in social linguistics, with emphasis on intercultural communication. Although English is a universal language, in order to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, we need to understand their culture, values and perspectives. A great way to do this effectively and meaningfully is by sharing our stories.
Ryoko Sato

Ryoko Sato

Reitaku University
I am a lecturer of the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Reitaku University. My research interests: Universal Design for foreign language learning/teaching focusing on specific learning differences, Working Memory and learning, and L2 vocabulary acquisition.